Tuesday, September 15, 2015

By way of Blackheads Natural Cleaning

 By way of Blackheads Natural Cleaning
Blackheads are small black spots that appear on the skin surface. Triggers blackheads is clogging skin pores because there is a buildup of keratin and sebum that contain oil. Blackheads usually appear on the face and nose, especially with oily skin.

Except that, blackheads also be due to stress, change of hormones, genetics, skin that is not clean, use of cosmetics, smoking, drinking beverages containing alcohol and caffeine consumption. You can clean the blackheads without ill with a variety of natural step. The following one:

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have an antiseptic or may be material to dry antikuman blackheads. Pace, peeled and mashed tomato that has a small size. Then, give the face of blackheads before sleep. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water wear.

2. Lemon

Squeeze lemon juice and take it, then imbuhkan salt and mix well. Clean your face with warm water and give a combination of lemon water. Let stand for 20 minutes and wash your face with warm water return.

3. Toothpaste

Give a little toothpaste on the face or faces that share blackheads, rub gently in a circular motion, let stand for 25 minutes and wash your face with how slowly with warm water. Repeat this step for about two weeks to be free of blackheads.

4. Honey

Honey also has the advantage of an efficient antiseptic help deal with oily skin and blackheads. Simply give honey on the face of blackheads and wash your face with warm water after settling for 15 minutes.

5. Baking soda

Mix baking soda and water, then give in the face of blackheads. Wait until dry and rinse with warm water.

6. Oatmeal and yogurt

Enough mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with three tablespoons of yogurt. Imbuhkan one tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil, stir until thick and well blended. Give to face and let sit for 10-15 minutes before when washing the face with cold water.

7. Eggs

Break 1-2 pieces of eggs, take the egg whites and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Give a combination of the space in the form of the number 8 in place of blackheads lodged in the face. Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

8. Cinnamon Powder & Sari Lime
Combination below has the objective to make a spreadable concentrated and applied on the face of blackheads. Let stand overnight before the current round clean the face with warm water when I wake up in the morning.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Eliminate Wrinkles Under Eye and Face

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes with ease - wrinkles under the eyes for some people may not be too much attention. But for some people who care about the appearance especially facial appearance will surely notice one of which is the area under the eyes. When it turns out the area under the eyes appear wrinkles for those who care about the appearance of the face will soon find a solution how to get rid of the wrinkles. Before proceeding to remove the wrinkles, it would be nice if you who may be experiencing problems wrinkles to read these simple tips below.
how to remove wrinkles under the eyes How to Eliminate Wrinkles Under Eye and FaceTips to Prevent Wrinkles Under Eye and Face
Eye wrinkles need to be avoided in order not to be formed. Before we discuss how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and face, it helps us know in advance how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Is not prevention is better than cure? Let us consider the following:

Limit your activities during the day and try to always relaxed. Avoid the sun stinging and blinding during the day. UV rays can cause skin to become lax. Eye activity during the day will aggravate wrinkling. Wear goggles so that the eyes are not in direct contact with the sun.
Stop smoking habit now. Adverse effects of cigarette one of them is able to eliminate the skin's natural moisture. Even supposedly allegedly smoke also causes aging. Cigarette smoke makes your eyes sore and skin cells around the damaged eye.
Wrinkles and wrinkles are caused mainly due to lack of water intake on the skin. To keep your body and skin deficiencies water intake, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
Rest enough. Breaks enough rest and sleep with the purpose of the activity on the face and the eyes will avoid wrinkles, especially under your eyes.
Wrinkles under the eyes also appear due to stress, fatigue, poor diet and excessive pressure in the eye (too long in front of the TV or computer). If we deal with this situation we need is to change your lifestyle, start a healthy lifestyle and relieve stress with positive activities, such as going on vacation and spend time with family.
Eat fish. Salmon consumed and beneficial to get rid of wrinkles on the area around the bottom of your eyes. Besides fish other than salmon also consumed because it contains extra protein and contains omega three fatty acids.
Well soon do the above tips to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and wrinkles under the eyes and face.How to Eliminate Under Eye Wrinkles Naturally
You also can use to remove wrinkles under the eyes naturally by consuming natural ingredients following. Among the natural ingredients that you can use are:

Pineapple. Pineapple is known to have an active enzyme known as bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory and natural form of alpha hydroxy acids which can help reduce wrinkles. Pineapple also helps in exfoliating the dead skin. How: crush some pineapple slices until tender, then apply on wrinkles under the eyes. Leave on for twenty minutes and then rinse with clean water. Pineapple juice helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles on your face.
Cucumber Fruit. Lack of adequate water intake can cause the skin to dry skin and will cause frown lines. The skin under the eyes is very fast cause wrinkles and frown lines when the shortage of water intake. A good way to ensure that your skin adequate water intake is to use fresh cucumber slices were nice enough to moisturize the skin under the eye area and avoid pigmentation. How: to prepare a cold cucumber slices before you store it in the refrigerator. Then place the slices under the eyes and leave for 15 minutes every day.
Avocado fruit. Avocados are high in fat good fruit to reduce wrinkles under the eyes. How: Iris and mash the avocado and apply it evenly under the eye. Let stand for fifteen minutes. During merapkan avocado, do gentle massage on the area under the eyes, so the natural oil seep through the skin and nourish the skin, in order to assist the process of removing fine lines and dark circles under the eyes. Rinse with clean water and dry. You can do it every day.
Honey and ginger. The trick is to take ginger to taste and then grated or finely mashed. Then take one tablespoon ginger already pounded earlier and add honey to taste. Eat a combination of a mixture of ginger and honey.
Applying coconut oil. You can use coconut oil to remove wrinkles under your eyes. The way is to put it on the existing wrinkles under your eyes.

How to Shrink Stomach Natural and Strategies

How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Natural and Strategies - Potbelly? Nooo! Shy, not confident, it was not cool. That expression may lebay that may be expressed by a person who has a distended abdomen. Distended stomach was not cool. So many are desperately making efforts in order to shrink the stomach is distended. Distended stomach itself is not only experienced by those who have the problem of obesity or overweight, but their ideal weight or underweight can be affected by the name potbelly.

For those who want to try to discourage distended stomach that you are currently experiencing, check out how to naturally shrink the bloated stomach, fast and precise, the following:

Cooking Alone

You had a distended stomach problems and can not cook? Let's start now to learn to cook. Those who want to shrink the bloated stomach are often attracted to the method loss diet (crash diets). Indeed successful, but remember, crash diet is good for short-term results. Moreover, crash diets can lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients and can cause some health problems. To shrink the stomach is distended, you need to remove the fat that accumulates in the stomach and following a healthy and balanced diet. A healthy diet with a diet that is high in protein and fiber (high-fiber foods such as whole wheat, oatmeal, peas, fenugreek, soybean, etc.), Low in carbohydrates, low in fat and sodium.

One way to realize a healthy diet that you have to cook your own food you consume. With the cooking itself, you know, and know very well the composition. Mulailan with the habit of cooking food with a little oil. Avoid excessive consumption of calories. Your diet should include foods that burn fat, for example, apples, citrus fruits, peppers, beans, cinnamon, cucumber, ginger, asparagus and tomatoes.

Changing Eating Habits

In addition to healthy food included in the diet, no less important is the time and frequency of your meals. Consuming foods that are at a particular time is the main factor causing the excess fat. Eat a lot at one time can result in failure of fat into energy, thus accumulate in the body. To avoid this, you can consume foods in small portions but often, rather than eat in the portion of lot 2 times a day.

You can eat 3 to 4 times small meals each day. This will speed up the metabolism in the body. The body will burn more calories and store less fat. Menu has 3-4 times a day will make a full and help you leave no other nutritious foods. Reduce your intake of sugar and sweetened beverages. In the diet, you can cook vegetables, nuts, food menganding protein, whole grain cereals, nuts, fish, low-fat milk and a small amount of healthy fats (like olive oil). Drink lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Water is essential for healthy cells and aids in digestion. Water works as a detoxifying agent and as an appetite suppressant.

Sports To Decrease Stomach

A gym or fitness center is actually less effective in your efforts to get rid of belly fat. If you do several times crunches or abdominal exercises every day, I am sure will not be able to flatten your stomach distended. But if you want to strengthen the abdominal muscles, the fitness center is suitable for you.

Talking about sports as a way to shrink belly fat, you simply do moderate physical activity for about 45-50 minutes, 4-6 times a week, is enough effectively to remove fat from the abdomen. The more time you take to CARDIO (such as brisk walking, cycling, brisk walking, jogging, etc.) and aerobic exercise, the faster you will lose fat in the abdomen. Try to take the time to swim, in addition to quickly burn calories is also good stress relief. To be aware that you must be consistent and should not miss the light exercise 4-6 times a week. Perform though only 5 minutes! You can also increase the duration and intensity of exercise gradually, to increase stamina. Perform 5-10 minutes warming up before starting to exercise.

how to shrink the bloated stomach How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Natural and Jitu

Change Your Lifestyle

Your office to work by car? riding a motorcycle? If so, then take 1-2 days to leave your motor car. Use public transport (buses, trains, public transportation, or even cycling) in order to accumulate fat break down into energy. Use the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Do activities run as much as you can. In addition, you have to change the habit of overeating at night or when you wake up in the night. Try to enjoy dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Lifestyle changes can indirectly help shrink and eliminate fat in the abdomen. Stop smoking and avoid drinking too much 0bat.Tinggalkan all the things that cause hormonal imbalance and obesity. You can try yoga, meditation, enjoy music, a leisurely stroll, sports, leisure, enough sleep and avoid stress. Stress or excessive pressure can lead to hormonal imbalance and obesity. So, ready to start a healthy life?

Rest and Simply Sleep

How to shrink next distended stomach is doing enough rest and sleep. Balance your activities with sufficient rest to recover stamina and your body after a long day of sports. Research shows that when you are not getting enough sleep, the body of an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which hormono which increases appetite. You simultaneously decrease the hormone leptin, making it difficult to feel 'full' of the portion size you consume normally. This change in physiology causes you difficult to control hunger.

Friday, September 4, 2015

10 Ways to Brighten Dull and Oily Face Naturally in 1 Week

Hhow to brighten dull face and Oily naturally in 1 Week is an article that discusses the problems on the facial skin, in particular addressed the issue of skin look dull. Starting from the definition / understanding dull, dull skin several causes, as well as tips or how to brighten a face that looks dull quickly and naturally.

Believe it or not, have dull skin that can worsen our appearance. As a result, we will also feel insecure or do not feel confident in turning or performing in front of many people. So, it apasajakah which can be a cause of skin becomes dull?

The cause of dullness

Basically the human body already has a mechanism for regeneration of the skin, in other words, our body is able to restore our dull skin becomes fresh and beautiful again, the process usually lasts for 18 days. But with age, the ability of skin cells we will also decrease. So that over time the regeneration process on our skin also becomes slower. So it will appear on the face of our pengkriput process. But besides it tersebutm there's more things that can cause dull skin such as:

1. Genetic factors (Heredity)

What is meant by genetic factors are heredity or derived from both parents. The point is this, if you have a father or mother (sorry) or oily skin that is dull, it is possible that you as anaknyapun will have the same skin type

2. Lifestyle

A good lifestyle will certainly have a positive impact on health, vice versa, poor lifestyle or irregular it will have a negative impact also on our health. For example, rarely exercise, bathing disorganized, irregular sleep and so on.

3. Diet

Too much eating foods that contain a lot of fat, such as junk food (food that is undernourished), fried foods, foods that contain a lot of coconut milk and a lack of consumption or intake of vitamins needed by the body

4. Environmental Factors

If we get used to being in places shabby and unhealthy it can not be denied that the dust that exist in the environment can also cause our skin becomes unhealthy, because dust can stick to the skin that is oily, so that the pores of our skin become clogged and cause acne.

5. Less precise in selecting cosmetic products

Well, dull skin can also be caused by improper use of cosmetics, so it is not suitable for our skin and consequently our skin becomes dull.

6. Irregular Sleeping

Too often stay up too late at night (stay up), it will also cause the skin to look pale and dull, because the blood is reduced, and therefore, reduce sleeping too late.

7. Less consume water

Consume less water can make you dehydrated and cause the skin to become dull

How to care for skin youthful

How to care for the skin is a lot of variety. From start to use the services of advanced technology to traditional ways. But of the many methods of treatment, can impact facial skin becomes fresher and stay young?

There are so many skin care techniques that you can try. To produce free of the effects of aging for example there are facial rejuvenation techniques. This technique stimulates skin cell tissue and tightens the skin at specific points. The method of this technology is quite sophisticated and banderolan cost was quite expensive, but the results of the skin free from aging quickly you get. Of course there is always a path to the desired result, is not it? So if you have heavy bags, facial rejuvenation method you should try.

How to Take Care Facial Skin Naturally
Want a more cheap and simple? Try traditional methods to treat the face. There are many benefits contained of fruits commonly consumed. Use as a nutritional intake of the body as well as a facial beauty. For example, pieces of yam. This fruit contains in addition can whiten the face, it can also tighten the skin and diminish the effects of aging. You can use it as a facial mask or facial cream concoction. With diligent use, guaranteed your face will be more fresh and healthy!

Many other way other natural facial skin care that you can try. Diligent cleaning cosmetology dress after also one way of treating the skin tablets. If not quickly cleaned, grease and dirt make up can leave stains and impact of acne on our face. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the face and treat the condition early. When you have received intensive care, facial skin is guaranteed to stay fresh and not rapidly aging come true.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Tips Breast Care so Fast, Compact, Contains, Chewy and Beautiful

Tips Breast Care so Fast, Compact, Contains, Chewy and Beautiful

Breasts are part of the body is very important for women. Beautiful healthy breast and can not be obtained if the woman does not care for it either. As with other body parts, the breast can be loosened thereby affecting its beauty. Especially for women who have been pregnant and breastfeeding, where breasts are no longer tight due to the shrinking of the mammary gland. For women who want to get the breast firm, dense, containing, chewy, big and beautiful of course have to pay attention to the following:

Adequate rest - If the body fatigue, all parts of the body, too exhausted. Likewise with the breast so that the breast will be sluggish, dull and drooping, Breast be beautiful and toned if the body's metabolism running properly.
 Avoid activities rub the breast with a rough towel after shower. because the rough rubbing can cause sore nipples and sore afterwards, the breast should be treated more carefully so that the skin soft and the humidity up.
Use a matching bra is advisable to use a bra comfortable when you wear, easy to absorb sweat and when you exercise you should also use a special bra for exercise. This must be done if you assume that the importance of breast health.
Do Sports associated with breast, for example, moderate exercise with the aim to strengthen the chest muscles. Gymnastic movements are performed every day on a regular basis will form the chest muscles. Perform this exercise is continued in order to obtain maximum results.
Breast Massage - This massage you can do yourself. start massaging the shoulders and shoulder tension or stress that is lost. Then start gently massage your breasts for 15 times towards the continued outward for 15 times. Perform this massage regularly, three times a week. After that you can immediately shower with warm water to a smooth blood circulation.

Pay attention to food consumption. Breasts also need nutrients, as well as the body. Therefore eat a balanced diet with enough calories, so your weight is ideal as expected. Ideal body weight, will automatically improve the body's natural shape, including the breast.
Use cream Breast, avoid drugs that damage the structure of the breast, you should use Oris Breast Cream, breast care to wear Oris Breast Cream is very safe and natural, as are stimulated to high winds and large are muscle cells are loose or not work hard enough to be maximized with the aid of hormones produced by the body.

Tighten the breast by using Breast Cream Oris will not cause any side effects or dependency. The success of your breast augmentation according to what you want it to be permanent in nature and give confidence to you that this vital organ can be treated well with the use of Oris Breast Cream.
Use of Oris Breast Cream for breast can be done by all female adolescents, adults and even the elderly though convenient and easy to use, very simple and natural with no side effects.
Conclusions benefits and function can Oris Breast Cream:

 Helps tighten and improve elasticity of the skin of the breast and also prevents sagging breasts
Repair the damaged structure of the breast skin and breast skin maintain softness.
Helps blood circulation
The first week of use ORIS (Breast Cream) will be felt usefulness, ORIS (Breast Cream) not only tighten but also a woman's breast shape more beautiful.
ORIS (Breast Cream) herbal products are safe in use continuously and do not cause dependency, does not trigger breast cancer and does not cause allergies.

Breast skin will be: more toned, more SOFT, HEALTHY and looked more WHITE.Breast skin will be: more toned, more SOFT, HEALTHY and looked more WHITE.

Five Secrets of Beauty Care Younger Women at Night

It is never a break to care for the skin. From morning to night, the skin should continue to get treatment. However, unfortunately, many women are not aware of such things. As a result, still fairly young age, but the display face look older.
The most appropriate time to care for the skin, especially the face is night. Because, at that time, the skin time to rest longer. That is, the absorption of serum and night cream became maximum and thorough.
Well, so the skin remains youthful, fresh and sparkling. There are some skin care routine done before bedtime. Here are the details:
1. Clean the make-up
Never forget to clean make-up before going to bed. This is an important rule that must be applied by all women who like grooming. Therefore, exposure to the make-up that is not cleaned can make breathing difficult skin and cause acne. In addition, cleaning your face before bed, helps to balance the pH and softens the skin.

2. Wash your face
Makeup After cleaning, do not forget to wash your face, so that the rest of the dirt that is still attached to the face, clean thoroughly. When applying soap washing the face, do it with a light massaging movements in all parts of the face. Subsequently, rinse thoroughly.

3. Moisten skin
Water makes the skin become drier. For that, you are obliged to moisten her back before bed. The trick, use a skin moisturizer suitable option for your skin type. You need to know, actually skin moisturizers are also useful in rejuvenating, nourishing the skin and remove dead skin.
4. Treat areas under the eyes
Areas of the skin under the eye area requires extra care compared to other parts of the face. This is due to the blood vessels and oil glands. Therefore, be diligent applying eye cream before bed. Another benefit of this treatment is to prevent premature aging.
5. Moisten the lip
If you normally moisturizes the lips with a lip balm just when will the move. Now, get used to do it before bed. The benefit is that the more moist lips, and contains the natural oil glands.

Friday, August 28, 2015


For most couples who have been married have children are their hopes and dreams. With the presence of the baby's happiness more complete household. But sometimes everything does not go well. Many couples who can not have children despite the age of marriage has been quite long. So many began to worry and fear.

Such things can be experienced by anyone and can also be influenced by various factors. So for couples who experience it need not be too worried even stress. If it gets stressed it will further complicate the process of pregnancy.

How to quickly get pregnant
Illustration Pregnant - Img by Pixabay.com Creative Commons
The most important thing to do is to always pray to Allah. Because children are just titipannya, if God wills it to happen. But do not forget to keep balance by including a real effort to consult a doctor if necessary and start the program participate pregnancy. Besides it can also read tips about pregnancy as will be discussed below.


For those who do not succeed you need not worry, you can do the tips below, which may be able to help you get pregnant quickly.


Unhealthy lifestyles can sometimes affect your fertility hormones and couples. To get pregnant quickly you should avoid any unhealthy lifestyle. Such as smoking, drinking alcohol, junk food and many more.

For a woman, smoking and drinking alcohol will affect your future fertility. So very good to always avoid it. Sufficient exercise and consumption of nutritious foods, will help make your fertility hormone is increasing.


One way to get pregnant fast is powerful enough by controlling the fertility period. 14 days after menstruation is the fertile period of a woman. At that time, you can have intercourse with a partner more often.

You can do it two times a day. Sperm are not removed every day, it would be better than to do it every day. You can calculate your fertile period correctly. So that more precise calculations.


How to get pregnant fast which in turn is to maintain ideal body weight. Weight is too thin or too fat, sometimes more difficult to get pregnant. Therefore it is very important to always keep your weight. (Read: Calculating ideal weight online)

Keeping the weight can be a way of regular exercise, drink plenty of water and consumption of nutritious foods. Fattened would affect the production of the hormone estrogen in the body will make ovulation to be not optimal.


Many women are choosing to delay pregnancy due to various factors. As if to focus on work. Usually they do this by injecting KB. This is actually not good for fertility hormone production. Especially for those of you who just got married.

This will have a negative impact on your uterus and cause you hard to get a baby later in the day. This way it should be done. Never to delay pregnancy for any reason, because of the nature of women is like it is.


In addition to the above methods, you can perform other means such as regular exercise, consumption of foods that can enrich the content and many of the most important lainnya.Yang you need to maintain good relations with a partner. See a doctor to have further clarity. Are there things that are beyond your knowledge. Those are some ways to get pregnant fast that you can try with your partner.

Powerful Acne Removal Products

Using natural materials as acne medication can help overcome your acne problem. But keep in mind, using natural materials takes time, depending on how severe your acne. Moreover, if acne is not a mild but more than that, but the natural materials might take a long time. If you are impatient or in need of better treatment, the choice is to use acne removal products on the market or go to a dermatologist.

Acne removal products available on the market vary widely, ranging from ointments, creams, gels, soaps, as well as oral medication. Potent acne medications usually contain retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. Choosing acne medications need to be careful because out there are also outstanding products that are dangerous and not safe for the skin. Make sure that the acne drug listed in BPOM (Agency for Food and Drug Administration), and for those of you who have sensitive skin make sure these products provide security for sensitive skin.

To get the acne medication, you can buy in pharmacies. Or you can use the product following a powerful acne medication to treat your acne, both acne on the face, as well as in other parts of the body such as the chest and back.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Effective methods How Whiten Skin With naturally beautiful

Effective methods How Whiten Skin With naturally beautiful

It can not be denied that the main desire of the woman is to have white skin and radiant. To whiten the skin in the present is not so difficult, because a lot of ways to whiten the skin with advanced facilities or using natural methods. Moreover beauty doctors also started to engaged in the manufacture of recipes to whiten the skin. However, although it is a prescription from a doctor, whether or not guarantee safe quality product so many people who prefer to use natural ways that are not at high risk. Natural recipes that can be obtained from the surrounding environment, namely fruit bengkoang, alpulat or milk.

Comparison Whiten With Natural Ways and Practical Ways

The use of practical ways that are packed in such a way by parta beauty doctor or experts, is often chosen because it has potent efficacy in quick time. But whether they are aware of the risks he would face later? Exfoliation forcibly, the skin becomes red, even irritation is adversely affected by the election of a practical way. While the use of natural materials that do not require time for a while, but it can be secured because it uses natural ingredients and not chemicals. Moreover, the results of which are shown by way of maximum alamilebih whiten skin peels compared to the imposition of the use of cream or practical medicine.

How to Whiten Skin With Natural Recipes

Brighten the skin can be done with a variety of natural media that poses no risk is too high. This makes natural methods more popular than the cosmetic products made from chemicals. The methods used are:

Fruit bengkoang
One good skin whitening tips in the beauty and health also are bengkoang. Although many well-known fruit potent and able to care for beauty but the benefits of this fruit can not be doubted.

The use of milk
Dairy products indeed became famous among today's beauty and natural process also includes an effective way to get a beautiful white glow and soft as milk.

Whiten skin with avocado
The use of avocado as a way to whiten skin tubuhtelah widely applied by salon or spa for skin merileksasikan simultaneously regenerate dead skin cells. Usually to make this avocado concoction also dicempur with egg and lemon.

Whiten skin with avocado
Whiten skin with avocado

So it can be concluded that the use of skin whitening method uses natural ingredients has become a powerful method to produce white glow that didamba-craved by all women. Even when compared with the practical given by doctors and beauty experts, this method is more secure because there are no chemicals at all in it. In addition one can use natural recipes that can be reached by various economic circles.

How to Ideal Body Shaping Women

Besides having a beautiful face and skin that is smooth, another thing that is often desirable to have the body of a woman is the ideal woman to make the appearance more perfect. Why not, the fashion industry is currently producing more beautiful garments for women with size proportional. This is why almost all the world for a woman most beautiful stereotype is slender proportionate to body size.

Ideal female body shape

Actually there are several types of female body shape, such as an apple shape, pear shape, a triangular shape, and form a straight, but until now considered the ideal female body shape is an hourglass shape with the size of the shoulders and pelvis are almost the same. Form a slim waist and rounded bust size by the body is still regarded as a body size that is proportional to women.

How to obtain the ideal woman's body with some sort of exercise

For some lucky people, the ideal body shape was obtained genetically alias innate from birth. But for those who have less than ideal body shape, physical exercise such as jogging, cycling, swimming or gymnastics and accompanied by a proper diet will help you to get the ideal body shape. In addition to physical exercise, you can also try some of the following ways:

Alternative you can do to get the ideal female body shape is to train your posture. The trick, buttocks and pull your stomach in and open the knee up level with the shoulder. Thus you will not be seen humpback make less attractive body shape.


The habit of walking with bent will give unfavorable effects for your posture. To eliminate this bad habit, stand with your back against the wall. Head, shoulders, and buttocks should touch the wall with a distance of approximately 15cm heel and walls. Trying to tighten the abdomen and chest pull inward is an effective way of eliminating the hunchback.

The third way to make the ideal shape of a woman's body belongs to you is the use of a chair. Sit in a chair with knees open up wide as your hips and place both feet on the floor. Relax, and slowly positioning the top of the head facing the ceiling just by lifting the chin. Touch the shoulder on the back seat.

By practicing the ways above, no matter how ideal body size of women who become stereotypes in society, shape your body will still look ideal for perfect posture.

Actually, to get the ideal woman's body can also be done with a few fashion tips, namely ouftif like what was suggested and is not recommended for women with certain body shapes. Well, good luck!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tips to Lose Weight We Give this will Make You Surprised, because it is very simple but very Strikes Usefulness, Proven!

Tips to lose weight quickly will we give back to you, specifically to request her to us. Of course you know that we've been a few times to distribute tips to lose weight naturally in our humble blog. Tips to lose weight but not necessarily be applied to everyone. Because each person has a physical condition that is different as well, so it must use methods or tips that often differ nevertheless. Now before we continue the article's topic, simply tell you that we had already published an interesting article, namely: Finally Revealed Here's How or Tips Eliminate Acne Naturally, Compulsory Tested! Well hopefully this article also add your insight.

weight loss tips, tips to lose weight 10 Kg, Tips to lose weight in 1 week, Tips to lose weight in a week, Tips to lose weight fast, tips to lose weight quickly and naturally, tips to lose weight without exercise

For example, troubleshooting certain people lose weight in one week or a week; for some people these tips may be appropriate and efficacious, but for others it could be the tips are not or less right, so efficacy needs more than a week. Well it could be a matter of enlightenment for you, to know more about your physical condition is like, so that the maintenance tips can customize to the right.

Have excess weight has become a problem of its own, both women and men. Excess body weight can reduce your confidence level, so that the body fat, you probably will many feel insecure. This has encouraged everyone has a dream to get a slim body ideal. Various weight loss tips have been undertaken in order to realize the dream. There are even tips on weight without exercise. Of course, these tips may be workable, but is often the result of the effect is less permanent.

Then many of the tips to lose weight using instant ways such as using drugs that actually has a bad side effects for the body. Lose weight using liposuction or even detox treatments are very expensive which may be burdensome. Natural diet would still be the way it is your effort to lose weight.

Businesses lose weight using natural ways does require a bit of a struggle that is not easy. Realizing the dream of having the ideal body would have to be preceded by the persistent efforts.

weight loss tips, tips to lose weight 10 Kg, Tips to lose weight in 1 week, Tips to lose weight in a week, Tips to lose weight fast, tips to lose weight quickly and naturally, tips to lose weight without exercise

Tips to lose weight naturally is as follows:
The first way, increasing exercise regularly. Exercise is very effective to burn your calories. By doing regular exercise activity, your weight is guaranteed would be reduced gradually. Besides being able to help you lose weight, exercise can also make your body healthy and always fit. Do exercise at least 15 minutes each day. Or if you are too busy, exercise can be done on foot or up and down stairs.

Tips to lose weight effectively which in turn is to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods, such as fried foods, and fast food. Fried and fast food is not very suitable for those who are dieting. Both of these foods contain a lot of calories will increase cholesterol levels in your body that makes you fat. Fast food does not have enough vitamin content is needed in the body. Therefore, the most appropriate way to attempt your diet is to run a healthy lifestyle using healthy foods. Reduce also the habit of drinking carbonated beverages, especially liquor.

Most people might assume that a diet meant to be put off eating or even refrain from eating. This assumption can actually spelled wrong. Tips to lose weight naturally just tells you to eat more often. Intensity eating more frequently will make your metabolism more smoothly. Eat more often, for example, five times a day is better for those who are on a diet with a record using smaller portions. You also have to choose a healthy diet in order to further support your efforts to lose weight. Anyway if you still need health tips articles that proved efficacious, do not forget to always visit http://womennaturalbeauty.blogspot.com, in columns: http://womennaturalbeauty.blogspot.com/ Health.

The latter diet is to eat foods that are rich in fiber. Foods rich in fiber contained in fruits and vegetables. Benefits of fiber-rich foods to your body is able to bind to fat in the body that are not useful, then disposed of with dirt. The more fiber foods exist in fruits and vegetables. All types of fruit and vegetables have a high fiber. Fat contained in fruits, such as avocado fruit also are unsaturated fats that will not make you fatter. In an effort to lose weight, you also can replace white rice using red rice that is highly recommended. So are a few tips to lose weight quickly and naturally that perhaps you can try.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Secret 8 Foods For Women's Health

1. Apples for ideal weight

Most women are not confident with excess weight. Especially for those who have just given birth. Apple besides containing antiosidan for immunity was able to maintain your ideal weight as a sweetener terkandungnya incoming gradually so as to control your appetite.

2. Seeds of wheat for recovery after childbirth

Whole grain was able to help you to restore the body after giving birth, in addition PMS symptoms may be alleviated by eating grain before menstruation. Vitamin B6 and folic acid are nutrients that are good for your heart health.

3. Tomatoes for facial beauty

Problems in the face for women is a very scary thing often women are willing to spend a lot of money to take care of her. With tomatoes that contain vitamin A and C were able to clear your face of acne, besides tomatoes are also able to overcome the oil in your skin. You will gain a tremendous benefit by consuming tomatoes regularly including removing blackheads and make your skin more radiant.

4. Walnuts (beans) to the female reproductive

The reproductive system is very sensitive. In women, hormonal changes, abnormalities in the reproductive organs, infection, disease, and even stress can cause infertility. To improve your fertility, try a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts. The body uses omega-3 fatty acids to produce hormones called eicosanoids, which increase blood flow to the uterus, thereby increasing the chances of pregnancy and facilitating the development of the fetus. Omega-3 also can reduce the risk of premature birth and low birth weight.

5. Milk to maintain bone

Milk is a source of calcium women need to keep maintaining bone. Besides milk also contains vitamins, minerals and proteins that can help the optimal absorption of nutrients required by bones, so that you avoid osteoporosis. Calcium can also help you in maintaining an ideal body weight. The presence of fiber that helps expedite the digestive tract.

6. Spinach to prevent cancer

Cervical cancer and breast cancer is a killer with a top ranking for women. By consuming green vegetables that contain antioxidants bleak spinach was found to minimize the free radicals that trigger the development of cancer cells in the body. Besides spinach also anticancer substances in spinach are flavonoids, would slow cancer cell division. Spinach is very good for your immune system also for vision and blood pressure.

7. Brown to reduce stress

When the mood changes take place before menstruation, PMS symptoms will experience some of the things that interfere with your activities that cause stress. The content of theobromine found in chocolate helps enable the substance of pleasure and regulate stress chemicals so that they can cope with the symptoms of PMS. Brown was also able to reduce weight and prevent diabetes. It turns out chocolate can also boost the intelligence and add you to concentrate, flavonols contained in dark chocolate makes us smarter.

8. Oranges for pregnant women

Compounds found in citrus is very good for pregnant women. The content of vitamin C may help the body's immune pregnant women, folic acid is also needed by the baby so it helps build new cells. The presence of a compound that turned out to keep the blood vessel walls, thereby reducing inflammation during pregnancy.