Saturday, August 22, 2015

Secret 8 Foods For Women's Health

1. Apples for ideal weight

Most women are not confident with excess weight. Especially for those who have just given birth. Apple besides containing antiosidan for immunity was able to maintain your ideal weight as a sweetener terkandungnya incoming gradually so as to control your appetite.

2. Seeds of wheat for recovery after childbirth

Whole grain was able to help you to restore the body after giving birth, in addition PMS symptoms may be alleviated by eating grain before menstruation. Vitamin B6 and folic acid are nutrients that are good for your heart health.

3. Tomatoes for facial beauty

Problems in the face for women is a very scary thing often women are willing to spend a lot of money to take care of her. With tomatoes that contain vitamin A and C were able to clear your face of acne, besides tomatoes are also able to overcome the oil in your skin. You will gain a tremendous benefit by consuming tomatoes regularly including removing blackheads and make your skin more radiant.

4. Walnuts (beans) to the female reproductive

The reproductive system is very sensitive. In women, hormonal changes, abnormalities in the reproductive organs, infection, disease, and even stress can cause infertility. To improve your fertility, try a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts. The body uses omega-3 fatty acids to produce hormones called eicosanoids, which increase blood flow to the uterus, thereby increasing the chances of pregnancy and facilitating the development of the fetus. Omega-3 also can reduce the risk of premature birth and low birth weight.

5. Milk to maintain bone

Milk is a source of calcium women need to keep maintaining bone. Besides milk also contains vitamins, minerals and proteins that can help the optimal absorption of nutrients required by bones, so that you avoid osteoporosis. Calcium can also help you in maintaining an ideal body weight. The presence of fiber that helps expedite the digestive tract.

6. Spinach to prevent cancer

Cervical cancer and breast cancer is a killer with a top ranking for women. By consuming green vegetables that contain antioxidants bleak spinach was found to minimize the free radicals that trigger the development of cancer cells in the body. Besides spinach also anticancer substances in spinach are flavonoids, would slow cancer cell division. Spinach is very good for your immune system also for vision and blood pressure.

7. Brown to reduce stress

When the mood changes take place before menstruation, PMS symptoms will experience some of the things that interfere with your activities that cause stress. The content of theobromine found in chocolate helps enable the substance of pleasure and regulate stress chemicals so that they can cope with the symptoms of PMS. Brown was also able to reduce weight and prevent diabetes. It turns out chocolate can also boost the intelligence and add you to concentrate, flavonols contained in dark chocolate makes us smarter.

8. Oranges for pregnant women

Compounds found in citrus is very good for pregnant women. The content of vitamin C may help the body's immune pregnant women, folic acid is also needed by the baby so it helps build new cells. The presence of a compound that turned out to keep the blood vessel walls, thereby reducing inflammation during pregnancy.

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