Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Ideal Body Shaping Women

Besides having a beautiful face and skin that is smooth, another thing that is often desirable to have the body of a woman is the ideal woman to make the appearance more perfect. Why not, the fashion industry is currently producing more beautiful garments for women with size proportional. This is why almost all the world for a woman most beautiful stereotype is slender proportionate to body size.

Ideal female body shape

Actually there are several types of female body shape, such as an apple shape, pear shape, a triangular shape, and form a straight, but until now considered the ideal female body shape is an hourglass shape with the size of the shoulders and pelvis are almost the same. Form a slim waist and rounded bust size by the body is still regarded as a body size that is proportional to women.

How to obtain the ideal woman's body with some sort of exercise

For some lucky people, the ideal body shape was obtained genetically alias innate from birth. But for those who have less than ideal body shape, physical exercise such as jogging, cycling, swimming or gymnastics and accompanied by a proper diet will help you to get the ideal body shape. In addition to physical exercise, you can also try some of the following ways:

Alternative you can do to get the ideal female body shape is to train your posture. The trick, buttocks and pull your stomach in and open the knee up level with the shoulder. Thus you will not be seen humpback make less attractive body shape.


The habit of walking with bent will give unfavorable effects for your posture. To eliminate this bad habit, stand with your back against the wall. Head, shoulders, and buttocks should touch the wall with a distance of approximately 15cm heel and walls. Trying to tighten the abdomen and chest pull inward is an effective way of eliminating the hunchback.

The third way to make the ideal shape of a woman's body belongs to you is the use of a chair. Sit in a chair with knees open up wide as your hips and place both feet on the floor. Relax, and slowly positioning the top of the head facing the ceiling just by lifting the chin. Touch the shoulder on the back seat.

By practicing the ways above, no matter how ideal body size of women who become stereotypes in society, shape your body will still look ideal for perfect posture.

Actually, to get the ideal woman's body can also be done with a few fashion tips, namely ouftif like what was suggested and is not recommended for women with certain body shapes. Well, good luck!

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